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Charles Moore
Charles Moore

Multiple Countries Phone Number.rar

The data that's provided by the phone number validation service is based on information provided by telecommunication providers and other entities around the world. Providers in some countries might update this information less frequently than providers in other countries do. For example, if you issue a request to validate a mobile phone number, and the number that you provided was ported from one mobile carrier to another, the response from the phone number validation service might include the name of the original carrier, as opposed to the current one.

Multiple Countries phone number.rar


The international pooled analysis of data gathered from 13 participating countries found no increased risk of glioma or meningioma with mobile phone use of more than 10 years. There are some indications of an increased risk of glioma for those who reported the highest 10% of cumulative hours of cell phone use, although there was no consistent trend of increasing risk with greater duration of use. The researchers concluded that biases and errors limit the strength of these conclusions and prevent a causal interpretation.

By delving into the associated network infrastructure and pivoting off related network artifacts, additional files and infrastructure were uncovered. These conformed to similar Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) and appeared to be part of a larger campaign from this same threat actor targeting multiple entities, both Government and Private, in several industries and throughout many countries across the world. In this report, we document what we found.

ShimRat has been used by the suspected China-based adversary Mofang in campaigns targeting multiple countries and sectors including government, military, critical infrastructure, automobile, and weapons development. The name "ShimRat" comes from the malware's extensive use of Windows Application Shimming to maintain persistence.

ShimRatReporter is a tool used by suspected Chinese adversary Mofang to automatically conduct initial discovery. The details from this discovery are used to customize follow-on payloads (such as ShimRat) as well as set up faux infrastructure which mimics the adversary's targets. ShimRatReporter has been used in campaigns targeting multiple countries and sectors including government, military, critical infrastructure, automobile, and weapons development. 041b061a72




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